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Gallen blanks Cardinals for 6 innings and Diamondbacks score 5 runs in 5th to win 5

来源:International Infusion news portal编辑:politics时间:2024-06-03 17:34:49

PHOENIX (AP) — Zac Gallen pitched six sharp innings and Corbin Carroll hit a two-run single in a five-run fifth to lead the Arizona Diamondbacks over the St. Louis Cardinals 5-0 on Sunday.

Gallen (3-0) threw 90 pitches, giving up four hits and walking two. He struck out seven, two of them coming with a runner on third and one out.

“His breaking ball was elite,” Arizona manager Torey Lovullo said. ”It seemed like he could throw it anywhere he wanted.”

The right-hander caught Brandon Crawford looking on a full count with the bases loaded in the second and then got a grounder to escape the jam. Gallen also whiffed Ivan Herrera on a 3-2 curve in the fourth before retiring Crawford on a popup.

“I felt like I was grinding,” Gallen said. “I made some solid pitches when I needed to.”

With a five-run lead, he didn’t lobby to stay in after alerting Lovullo earlier.

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