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Bill allowing parents to be fined for child's criminal offenses heads to Tennessee governor

来源:International Infusion news portal编辑:sport时间:2024-06-03 16:51:37

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A proposal that would allow parents to be fined for their child’s criminal offenses is headed to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s desk for his approval.

The GOP-dominant House on Monday approved allowing judges to levy up to $1,000 in fines against parents or legal guardians of children who commit a second criminal offense. The chamber voted 72-24 to send the bill to the governor after it previously secured the support from the similarly Republican-controlled Senate.

Supporters argue the proposal is needed to hold families accountable for the child’s actions. However, Democratic lawmakers warned that the bill unfairly targets working parents who may have limited resources and burden them with fines that they may be unable to pay.

“We’re not going to solve this problem by criminalizing parents doing the best that they can,” said Democratic Rep. John Ray Clemmons.

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